Displaying 1 to 100 (of 121 Products)
Product Name- |
Price |
Use to purify the area before any ritual. Use for consecration and purification of magickal tools, talismans etc. Also used in Ceremonial Magick. |
£3.95 |
"Intellectual powers, study, communication, to help conquer drug addiction." |
£2.95 |
"Traditionally used in rituals for transformation and change, longevity and past life regression." |
£2.95 |
Use as a general purpose oil to purify and consecrate, talismans, candles and ritual tools. |
£2.95 |
Use for spells and rituals involving animals. For healing animals, protecting animals, protection from animals etc. |
£2.95 |
"A general purpose anointing and blessing oil, for anointing candles, talismans etc." |
£2.95 |
"To increase love and sexual desire." |
£2.95 |
Use in rituals to attract love.. |
£2.95 |
For healing rituals and divination.. |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
"To assist in projecting the astral body." |
£2.95 |
"To attract love, money, wealth, opportunities etc." |
£2.95 |
Use for Babylonian or Sumerian magick. For attuning with Inanna, Marduk, Tiamat, Enlil etc. |
£3.25 |
For spells and rituals to enhance beauty. |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Beltane (April 30th) or May Day (May 1st) or simply to attune with the changing of the seasons and for good fortune" |
£2.95 |
"To attract customers, increase business. Also helpful if your income relies upon tips or gratuities." |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
To purify your altar and raise power for any magickal workings. |
£3.25 |
"To assist chakra balancing meditation." |
£2.95 |
Traditionally used in rituals for career, employment, chakra work, dream work, healing, learning, teaching, grounding, memory, children and large... |
£2.95 |
"For general work in your circle, a general purpose ritual oil for anointing candles and ritual objects." |
£2.95 |
To aid communication between two or more people. Helps people to open up and discuss problems more freely. |
£2.95 |
Helps express compassion and increase capacity for compassion. |
£2.95 |
"To increase confidence in your own abilities." |
£2.95 |
Anoint your magickal tools, crystals, jewellery etc to purify and consecrate them. |
£2.95 |
"To increase your courage before nerve-wracking situations." |
£2.95 |
"To stimulate your creative energies." |
£2.95 |
"For cleansing gemstones of negative energies - can be used in conjunction with any crystal purification rituals." |
£2.95 |
"For breaking curses, returning a curse to sender and banishing negativity." |
£2.95 |
" Use during Dark Moon rituals." |
£2.95 |
Use to increase determination and perseverance. |
£2.95 |
"Assists all forms of divination including Tarot cards, runes, runic dice, pendulum, etc." |
£2.95 |
Use for situations where you feel you need divine intervention. |
£2.95 |
Dragon's Blood Oil (Daemonorops Draco) Dragons Blood resin is obtained from the resinous sap from the fruits of a small palm tree (Daemonorops Draco)... |
£3.95 |
"To help in remembering dreams" |
£2.95 |
"For money, stability, business success and fertility" |
£2.95 |
For Earth magick, healing the Earth and for honouring the Earth |
£2.95 |
To help relieve anxiety and fear, promote calm and reduce stress. |
£3.50 |
To help heal emotional pain and trauma and bring peace and tranquillity. |
£2.95 |
Use in Egyptian rituals or for honouring Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Anubis, Bast, Sekhmet, Horus or other Egyptian gods and goddesses. |
£2.95 |
"Use for rituals and spells at the Full Moon or any Wiccan gatherings other than the Sabbats" |
£2.95 |
"For heavy purification in disturbed places." |
£2.95 |
Use in rituals to increase fertility. |
£2.95 |
"Success, protection, health, passion." |
£2.95 |
Use when you need others to forgive and forget or to help you to forgive yourself and others. |
£3.50 |
Use for enhancing friendships, making new friends etc. |
£2.95 |
" Use during Full Moon rituals or to attune with lunar energies." |
£2.95 |
Use in rituals to attract good luck in games of chance, bingo, lotteries, gambling etc. |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
For protection or guidance from one's Guardian Angel. |
£2.95 |
"To help lift your spirits." |
£2.95 |
For rituals to increase, maintain or help restore peace and harmony in the home. |
£2.95 |
"To speed healing . Or use in any healing rituals or spells" |
£2.95 |
Use to encourage honesty and truth. |
£2.95 |
"To banish feelings of negativity and give hope." |
£2.95 |
Use for Wiccan rituals, especially when honouring the Horned God. |
£2.95 |
"Use to clear your home of negative vibrations, especially after arguments or when your home feels heavy with negative emotions eg. anger, jealousy,... |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Imbolc (February 1st) or simply to attune with the symbolic rebirth of the Sun." |
£2.95 |
Use when honouring Isis or for Egyptial rituals and spells. Use for any positive magickal goal. |
£2.95 |
"For spells for wealth, business, riches, luck, expansion and legal matters." |
£2.95 |
For night rituals and magick and to honour Egyptian gods and goddesses especially Isis. Can also be used as a general purpose oil. |
£3.50 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
Use for rituals to promote long life and health. |
£2.95 |
"To strengthen an existing love or use to attract love into your life." |
£2.95 |
"For luck in games of chance, gambling." |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Lughnasadh (August 1st or 2nd) or to attune with the coming harvest." |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Mabon (Autumn Equinox, circa September 21st) or to attune with the changing of the seasons." |
£2.95 |
"For attracting things to you, eg. money, love, luck, etc." |
£2.95 |
"For physical strength, power, competitions, lust." |
£2.95 |
"Use prior to meditation to relax the conscious mind." |
£2.95 |
To enhance memory - especially useful when studying for examinations and tests. |
£2.95 |
"For intelligence, travel, divination." |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals at the Summer Solstice (circa June 21st) or to attune with the seasons and the Sun." |
£2.95 |
"For drawing money to you. Only use when there is a real need." |
£2.95 |
"For psychic workings, love magic, healing, dreams." |
£2.95 |
"Traditionally used in rituals for courage, change, victory, mercy, liberation, the sea, empathy, divination, psychic abilities, dreams and intution... |
£2.95 |
" Use during New Moon rituals." |
£2.95 |
For honouring the Goddess and God. |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Ostara (the Spring Equinox circa March 21st) or to welcome the spring and the renewal of life." |
£2.95 |
For rituals to help you succeed when faced with obstacles and difficulties or when all the odds seem stacked against you. |
£2.95 |
To relieve stress and banish feelings of anger. For peace and tranquillity. |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
Traditionally used in rituals for applying knowledge, overcoming evil, alleviating depression, revealing secrets, finding lost objects, astral travel... |
£2.95 |
To increase your magickal power. Use a small amount of this oil before beginning any ritual when you need added power.. |
£2.95 |
Use before sleeping to promote prophetic dreams and help in remembering them. Keep pen and paper beside your bed and get into the habit of writing... |
£2.95 |
Use for rituals to increase prosperity and financial security. |
£2.95 |
"For physical and psychic protection." |
£2.95 |
Use in rituals for psychic protection and to strengthen your "psychic armour". |
£2.95 |
"To sharpen psychic powers." |
£2.95 |
"To purify the atmosphere of a disturbed home" |
£2.95 |
Use when you need to heal a damaged friendship or relationship. Also useful for relationships that are going through a rocky period, arguments or... |
£3.50 |
Use in rituals to attract riches and honours. |
£2.95 |
"Use when using runes for divination or for magickal workings." |
£2.95 |
"Use at Wiccan sabbats." |
£2.95 |
"A general household oil. Enhances the positive aspects of your sign." |
£2.95 |
"For Wiccan rituals on Samhain (October 31st)" |
£2.95 |
"For studying past lives, banishing" |
£2.95 |
Displaying 1 to 100 (of 121 Products)